Monday, September 28, 2020

And We're Back!

Hello, hello, everyone and welcome to my first blog post for the Writing Center. I was actually supposed to make this post months ago, but as with most things this year, I put it on hold. 


2020 has been a little rough for all of us. Personally, I had to put aside a theatre production I was in, a May term I was really excited for, and a variety of other fun events that are TBD. I'm sure all of you reading can relate. However, one big thing that I let slip last spring was my grades. My productivity dramatically dropped once school closed, and it was a real struggle. This semester, though, I'm determined for things to be different.

I have been doing a lot of things to help with my productivity and efficiency this semester, and I'd like to share some of them with y'all! Here we go:

1. Don't stay in bed all day    

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I know, I know, with so many online classes why not just Zoom from bed? It makes you lazy, that's why! This semester, I have been forcing myself (no matter how much I DO NOT want to) to get out of bed and actually sit at my desk for online class or homework. It really helps to separate the two spaces in my tiny dorm: desk for working, bed for relaxing. This one simple change already vastly improved the amount of work I was able to complete in a sitting.

2. Prioritize

                                                        can-t-find-the-perfect-clip-art-to-do-list-clipart-640_560 - Kindergarten  Chaos

With most classes online now, it's easy to consider the work for those classes to be not as important as work from other classes. DON'T DO THIS. This is an easy trap to fall into and it's probably the quickest way to start failing your classes. What I like to do is make a TO DO list on a sticky note and place it right on my laptop below my keyboard. This way, I can always see it while I'm working and I'll always know in the back of my mind what I need to get done. I also make sure to organize them based on priority, e.g. what is due soonest, what is worth more points, etc. I make sure to check off assignments as I finish them and let me tell ya, there's nothing more satisfying than crossing off a big assignment that's been sitting on my sticky note for a while.

3. Make use of the resources available to you

Just because classes are online doesn't mean that you're on your own! It's definitely more difficult to reach out and find the help that you need this semester with the large emphasis on social distancing, but don't let that discourage you! In my experience, professors are just as if not more responsive to student's troubles this semester. If there's a certain class that's causing you trouble, take the time to get in contact with that professor to see if there isn't any additional help that could be provided to you. Along with that, tutoring and the Writing Center are still available this semester online! You can always easily make an appointment with someone online, and they will be able to assist in just the same way as in person.

Now, these were just a few tips that I've come up with, but they don't account for everything. This semester always presents new and difficult challenges to overcome, but my biggest piece of advice is to just take things step-by-step. Letting your problems pile up is exactly what I did last spring, and I definitely regret it. So don't do the same! Get yourself out of bed, figure out what you need to do, and then do it! And don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. Well, that's all I have to say for this blog post. Thank you all for reading, and good luck to everyone for the rest of the semester!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Why Do They Hide It?

Why Do They Hide It?
Now I know I am not the only person who is self conscious about their writing. 
Even as a writing center consultant I never want to come in. 
Many people may wonder why, and to answer your question 
I believe you’re just more confident than I and others alike.

It can be uncomfortable, rather nerve racking, having someone read the words you have written.
Even if it’s just a school assignment, it’s still words we put down,
I guess we’re just afraid how they’ll make you think about us.

“Why did you word it like that?”
“That’s a dumb point to make.”
“Let me help you write it the correct way.”

No I know you all won’t say that, but in a way that makes it worse,
It leaves my head spinning for the comments, the words, that you won’t say aloud.

See with speaking it’s different,
People can forget what you’ve said.
But once it’s written, or printed,
Your words become documented.
Everyone can see them, reread them,
And you can’t tell me people aren’t judgmental.

We’re our own worst critics.
Sure we may beat ourselves up more than anyone else ever would,
But it still doesn’t erase our fear.

I guess what I’m trying to say,
Is that some writers are just nervous.
It’s not always about the lack of commitment.

We’re nervous to be sharing, 
Our thoughts, opinions, and statements.
Afraid of our peer’s judgment,
And creating negative perceptions.

There’s no magic cure.
No real fix.
I know even I tune out any encouragement.

But I just wanted you all to know,
Those who don’t already feel the same,
About why some writers are reluctant to come in
And have their papers looked at by people like you and me.

That’s why we hide it.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Best Snacks at Tuesday Tea

Tuesday Tea Snack Review
I have been on the Tuesday Tea committee for only one year. During the tea, we talk to faculty about various topics, often just about their favorite movies or activities. It helps to build a sense of community between the students and faculty that is pretty unique. I think that the committee overall has a good mission,but the snacks are also a definite draw. Each week we prepare a range of snacks and two teas for everyone to share. Here I will be ranking the snacks from worst to best. (although they are all good).

Meat/Cheese plate 

Personally, the meat and cheese plate is pretty unappealing to me, but that is because I am a vegetarian and know they are cut from the same cutting board. I can say that many people like this plate, and it is almost always gone by the end of the tea. I tried to prepare this plate once, but the meat was kind of confusing because there was a waxy skin on the outside? It was more slimy than I expected. 

5/10 not for me


Apples are a staple at Tuesday Tea. Sometimes we change up the variety of apples, depending on what is at the store. I think the apples help to round out the other snacks, which are less healthy. My only complaint with the apples is that they can get brown, but that is the fate for all sliced apples. The only reason why they aren’t any higher on this list is that they are not very exciting. 

6/10 reliable.


The cookies at Tuesday Tea come from a package, usually from Aldi’s. The kind of cookie changes every week, which makes it a little more interesting. The fudge stripes and oatmeal cookies are the two best kinds. The oatmeal cookies are not universally loved, but they are great for dipping in tea. An honorable mention for cookies this year was a package of spring oreos, which were pretty identical to ordinary oreos. 

7/10 - Some cookies are better than others

Cucumber Sandwiches

Light and refreshing, these sandwiches are a fan favorite. They are constructed from a thin slice of cucumber, attached to a cracker with a bit of cream cheese. On top, there is a sprinkle of dill. I think these sandwiches are a perfect balance of cracker and crisp cucumber. A few professors cite these sandwiches as a main reason why they come to Tuesday Tea. 

8/10 very solid snack

Breadmaker Bread

In many ways, breadmaker bread is the perfect afternoon snack. Breadmaker bread allows you to have homemade bread without the time commitment required to make ordinary bread. At Tuesday Tea, there are always large pieces of this bread set out on the table. The bread is tasty on its own, but many also add some butter. This is the best snack on the table.

10/10 perfect.

Writing Center Recommendations-Spring Quarantine 2020

Talk about a weird end to the school year! COVID-19 has put a damper on things, but our consultants have kept themselves busy with books, movies, music, and TV. Here are a few recommendations from some of our consultants that shall kept you entertained through the summer. See you in the fall (hopefully), Kohawks!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

General Announcements From Quarantine

General Announcements

Another week at the Virtual Coe College Writing Center commences, and this week, we have a few announcements.

The Writing Fellowship assignments have recently gone out to our consultants! For the freshmen consultants, this is an exciting time, and brings hopes of new connections in the fall when we return. The list of FYS classes offered has been sent out. Please remember to check your class and professor, and to reach out to contact them by the end of the week!

Virtual Tuesday Tea was held this week by religion professor Geoff Chaplin. The topic was on a letter-writing experiment he conducted, in which he offered to write letters to anyone online who saw the post and wanted one. To his surprise, he received 17 requests and multiple letters in response.

If you’re interested in keeping the art of letter-writing alive, and you’d like it to remain cheap and easy to send letters or packages, please contact your local representative to inform them that the Post Office should continue to receive funding, or text USPS to 50409 and answer some basic questions.

From my collection of photos taken in the writing center, here’s one of our old and dearly missed whiteboard prompts:

Recommended Reading

For those interested in economics, communication, or the intersection of the two, I would recommend the article “The Rhetoric of Economics” by Professor Diedre McCloskey, Distinguished Prof. of Economics, History, English, and Communication at the University of Chicago. It can be found at

The Rhetoric of Economics was recommended to me by my grandfather, a retired economics professor who has rather overestimated my capacity for understanding any and all trade journal articles about economics, but if you know what ‘logical positivism’ is, then this is the article for you, as it seems to be about the various attitudes and linguistic approaches that economists use to explain their work.

For those who are interested in easier and fun reads that are very much not about economics, I would recommend the satirical article: “A Poirot Novel Where No One Is Murdered And He Gets To Eat Everything He Wanted Without Interruption, at

If you’re a fan of Hercule Poirot, I would very definitely recommend it, as it is exactly what it reads on the can- by which I mean the title. The article offers you a delightful array of chapter titles that would belong in a book where Poirot just enjoys some really good food.

For those interested in the continuing slide towards insurmountable inequality and the hoarding of resources by the rich, I would recommend “How Goliath Won: The Future Implications of Dukes vs Wal-Mart.” It is not a cheering read under current circumstances unless you are rich and an unethical corporate ceo. If you are rich and an unethical corporate CEO, please consider making a substantial to Coe College’s Writing Center. If you’re not rich, after reading this article I would recommend re-reading the Poirot one, because it’s very sad, but particularly relevant in light of recent Supreme Court rulings, if you’re up to date on the political news.

The New York Times and several other newspapers are currently offering free Covid newsletters and coverage without a subscription, and, as usual, NPR has excellent and comprehensive free coverage.

What are you reading in quarantine?

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Bingo Trend

If you are anything like me, you are stuck on Zoom or Moodle.
You struggle to not procrastinate, as you watch Joe Exotic Tiktoks or do Snapchat Bingos.
 How exactly these bingos started and the trend caught on, is a mystery to me but they can be pretty fun even if they expose you sometimes.
Personality Bingo
Personality bingos are those that expose your traits such as “looks happy but is internally having an existential crisis”. There are many variations of these but the ones I have seen most often are the Introvert and the Extrovert bingos. 

Zodiac Bingo
Next we have zodiac bingos that describe the traits most commonly associated with a specific zodiac sign. I would imagine these have less of an appeal to people who do not believe in horoscopes or zodiacs. I subscribe to them so I would say the Sagittarius one is pretty spot on. It’s currently Aries season but Taurus is next so enjoy the Taurus bino I have attached. 

City/State Bingo 
Based on the people I follow on social media I have only seen Iowa, Illinois, and Chicago bingos. However, I am pretty sure you can find one about a random state like Wyoming, if you tried hard enough. 

Our Very Own CWC Bingo 

Ok so no I did not see a Coe Writing Center bingo on social media (unfortunately). So I decided to make my very own CWC bingo.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Writing Center Consultants as (Jazz?) Sherpas

My high school Jazz band director is one of my favorite people. A stereotypical dad if there ever was one, many of his passions are related to music, fish puns, and unusual metaphors. One of his more prolific metaphors is his self-made role of the “Jazz Sherpa.”

The idea is that in any one of his Jazz ensembles he can guide and support its musicians, but he can never perform in place of them, much like a Sherpa can never climb a mountain in place of someone else. This is a bit of a fun idea so I thought it might be interesting to think about our roles as Writing Center consultants in a similar way. Here are some ways that we’re also (Jazz?) Sherpas:

1. We can't climb mountains for writers

The temptation for consultants to take on the heavy burden of rewording vast swaths of text is present in many conferences. We are compassionate people; it seems only natural for us to help another by doing the hard work ourselves. Despite this innate desire we have to seize a writer’s work and polish it off the way we think it should be, we must remember that we cannot climb mountains for our clients. Not even the best Sherpa can climb a mountain for you. Climbing a mountain, like writing a paper, is a task that requires the help and guidance of others, but is ultimately a personal responsibility. To that end, we should remind ourselves frequently that we serve writers, while writers serve their writing.

2. Each writer faces unique challenges

If I went to climb Everest today and my Sherpa gave me a pack that weighed half as much as I did, I would not make it to the top (I wouldn’t make it to the top regardless of the pack, but). I have the upper body strength of a seven-year-old, and while plenty of people could probably handle that pack, I certainly could not. A good Sherpa wouldn’t let me take more weight than I could realistically handle. 

The point: different writers will need to be challenged in different ways. It’s easy to look solely at grammar and uncomfortable wordings in every paper. It’s easy to look solely at the organization of a paper and read through it quickly before sending a writer off. The reality though is that writers will struggle differently, and a one-size fits all approach to conferences doesn’t serve writers well. We know to focus on the higher-order concerns related to the organization and reasoning present in a paper, what we refer to at the Coe Writing Center as “big rocks.” When it seems like a writer has these big rocks taken care of though, it’s okay to challenge them with some of the smaller concerns too.

3. It's our responsibility to prepare the way

First and foremost, the Sherpa’s job is to give climbers the perspective and support they need to reach the summit. If a Sherpa gives me twenty different routes to take, I’ll probably end up getting lost because I wasn’t quite sure which way to go. Sometimes it is easy to overwhelm writers with dozens of suggestions until ironically, they might be even more confused about where to go next with their papers. 

It might be better to focus on just a few major points throughout a conference that writers can evaluate for themselves and use to develop their own work. Write the big ideas down for a client, or better yet, try to get them to write down their biggest takeaways. We cannot climb the mountains for writers, but preparing the way for them to climb the mountain themselves is at the heart of what we should do every conference. 

Perhaps the title of “(Jazz?) Sherpa” has a slightly more heroic appeal than the bland “consultant.”  Regardless, hopefully the image of consultants helping guide writers up mountains of words, fuelled by Jolly Ranchers and hot chocolate is an image that will let us see what we do from a fresh perspective.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Oh, How I Wish They Knew... 
by MyKeisha Wells
It is fair to say that we have all experienced writer’s block a time or two.
At which time, a magical place called the Writing Center came through.
Now, it makes us sad when some of  our peers truly have no clue.
Oh, how I wish they knew.

About all of the conferences that we can do
From brainstorming to revising, every consultant is great at improvising. 
In the writing center, we can help writers with brainstorming, which most writers are unaware of. They often have the misconception that we can only help them once their papers are complete; however, we are available and more than happy to help writers with selecting a prompt, making an outline, organizing research, and more. We can also offer writers conversational conferences, where we will discuss the ideas that a writer has, and share the ideas we have. We can help a writer with copy editing and revising, too.
Oh, how I wish they knew...

About all of the places we can sit, too
On the couch, in a chair, at the table, out in the library, we can sit anywhere.
In the Writing Center, we understand that writers are being very vulnerable when they come in for assistance, so we make it our priority to make sure that writers are comfortable. If a writer would prefer working out in the library, we will accommodate; if a writer wanted to work in one of the private work rooms, we will accommodate; and if a writer wanted to conference on our comfy couch or at our tables, we can do that as well! We also have been able to make accomodations with distance education. As of recently, writers are able to sit at home and have online conferences M-Th 2pm-10pm and F 2pm-5pm. Some writers have the misconception that the Writing Center is like the classroom, when in fact it is more like your living room... literally!
Oh, how I wish they knew...
That helping them is all we want to do
The Writing Center is an amazing resource for students to utilize when they are having a tough time with their writing. As students ourselves, we know what it is like to experience writer’s block or to not know where to start or how to end an essay. That is why we all love working here, because we are able to help our peers with something that we know all too well. At the Writing Center, we do not judge a writer’s writing or tell them their ideas are wrong. We listen to writers, ask them what it is that they would like to work on, and focus on that.
We are not here to make a perfect essay, instead we aim to encourage stronger writers.
Oh, how I wish they knew...
About the free jolly ranchers and drinks, too
As if sitting wherever we feel most comfortable isn’t enough, at the Writing Center, writers have access to unlimited, free jolly ranchers and warm beverages, like coffee and hot cocoa. Coffee drinking when writing helps a writer process ideas faster! Read about it, here
Oh, how I wish they knew...
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That regardless of if it is early or late, they can come through
We know that college students are especially busy with classes, work, and maintaining a social life. This is why we have a very wide range of availability of consultants and we are open Sunday-Friday. Walk-ins are welcome anytime because there is no manual for when you can expect writer’s block, it just happens. 
It is amazing all of the things that we can do. Oh, how I wish they knew. 
MyKeisha Wells