Why Do They Hide It?

Why Do They Hide It?
Now I know I am not the only person who is self conscious about their writing. 
Even as a writing center consultant I never want to come in. 
Many people may wonder why, and to answer your question 
I believe you’re just more confident than I and others alike.

It can be uncomfortable, rather nerve racking, having someone read the words you have written.
Even if it’s just a school assignment, it’s still words we put down,
I guess we’re just afraid how they’ll make you think about us.

“Why did you word it like that?”
“That’s a dumb point to make.”
“Let me help you write it the correct way.”

No I know you all won’t say that, but in a way that makes it worse,
It leaves my head spinning for the comments, the words, that you won’t say aloud.

See with speaking it’s different,
People can forget what you’ve said.
But once it’s written, or printed,
Your words become documented.
Everyone can see them, reread them,
And you can’t tell me people aren’t judgmental.

We’re our own worst critics.
Sure we may beat ourselves up more than anyone else ever would,
But it still doesn’t erase our fear.

I guess what I’m trying to say,
Is that some writers are just nervous.
It’s not always about the lack of commitment.

We’re nervous to be sharing, 
Our thoughts, opinions, and statements.
Afraid of our peer’s judgment,
And creating negative perceptions.

There’s no magic cure.
No real fix.
I know even I tune out any encouragement.

But I just wanted you all to know,
Those who don’t already feel the same,
About why some writers are reluctant to come in
And have their papers looked at by people like you and me.

That’s why we hide it.
