The Top Ten Tips to Keep a Conference Productive
Most individuals would argue that the goal of the writing center is to provide personalized and effective feedback to students, so how can we consistently achieve that goal?
Well, in order to give effective conferences they must be productive. Productivity can be difficult because situations and people are unpredictable.
To make the most out of conference time, I have brainstormed with fellow consultants to draft the top ten tips to keep a conference productive.
1. The Environment
The writing center is a cozy and inviting environment that helps draw students in, however there are other things consultants can do to enhance the student's atmosphere. For example, offering them a beverage or a place to sit enhances the writer's experience.
Personally, I enjoy asking writers where they would like to sit (whether inside the writing center or right outside) because it gives them a choice of how they would like their own conference to go.
2. Initiate Open-ended Conversation
One of the fastest ways to kill a conversation is asking simple "yes" or "no" questions. As consultants, we are driven by conversations and writers' thoughts. By asking someone an open-ended question, you invite them to converse and talk about something they are interested in.
Consider questions like: How was your day? What plans do you have this weekend? How is your class going?
3. Ask the Writer about their Goal/Purpose
Our priority at the writing center is to help the writer accomplish what they need help with. If the consultant is willing to ask the writer if they have a specific goal they would like to accomplish, they can narrow down their focus of the conference and increase productivity. We are client-centered!
Consultant Opinion:
Steph Keil
Upon reading the list of ten tips, Steph felt that identifying the writer's goal has helped her the most during her first semester of conferencing. In order to identify the specific goal, she often asks writers what they are hoping to accomplish during the conference. Steph states that when she knows the writer's end goal she feels more prepared and able to help them throughout the conference.
4. Be a Listener
Although writers come into the writing center for advice, it's important to remember that they don't want to be talked at. Most times, it can be highly beneficial for a writer to orally express their ideas, and the best way consultants can help is this situation is to listen. To increase productivity, consider limiting how much you speak within a conference and actively listen to what the client is expressing.
In an attempt to listen better, try to leave 7-10 seconds of silence before jumping into the conversation with opinions and advice. This strategy gives the writer time to consider what they need and ask the consultant specific questions.
5. Use Technology
It's important to confront that our modern-day society revolves around technology usage...and this does not have to be a bad thing. Technology can be useful for a variety of situations including translators or citation sources (such as PurdueOwl). When a consultant does not know the answer to a specific question, they can increase productivity by utilizing outside resources.
In my own experience, I've used resources like PurdueOwl and WordReference to help writers answer questions about formatting and vocabulary.
6. Encourage Professional Conversations through Body Language
When having conversation with writers, it's important to recognize that professionalism is still important within this setting. While it can be uncomfortable to directly state that you want to "remain professional" in some situations, consultants can use non-verbals to communicate with their client. Body language and eye contact are key tools of communication, and you don't even have to open your mouth!
During conferences, I tend to sit adjacent to the student and make eye contact with them. It shows that I am paying attention and care about the things that they are saying.
7. Present Yourself with a Generally Positive Attitude
The way you present yourself as a consultant really does matter! If consultants portray a negative or bothered disposition, it is unappealing towards writers. Carrying yourself with a general sense of positivity invites writers to confide in conversation...increasing the overall productivity of the conference.
When working in the writing center, I try my best to smile at others, look engaged during conversation, and appear open to conversation. I've noticed that having a positive disposition encourages writes to open up and converse!
8. Cater Towards the Writer's Needs
With such a diverse background of students at Coe College, consultants must be willing to cater towards a variety of student needs. Factors like neurodivergence, ESL, and academic discipline may affect the direction of a conference. Not every writer is the same, so it is important to be a "universal consultant" and take the time to evaluate what a writer might need.
Consultant Opinion:
Angie Guevara
Angie determined that the most important strategy she's used is to cater toward the writer's needs. She believes that it is vital that writers take away something they've learned from the conference and gain confidence to apply it outside of the writing center. By catering towards the client's needs, Angie feels that she is better assisting individuals.
9. Limiting the Writer's Stress
Stress is an emotion felt by many college students. In order to increase the productivity and effectiveness of conferences, consultants should meet writer's where they are at emotionally and emphasize the idea that consultants want to see writers succeed.
Consultant Opinion:
Emerson Porter
After looking through my list of the top ten tips, Emerson felt that the most important tip used is to limit the writer's stress.
"We need to emotionally decompress so that we can be the most productive during our conference."
The ability/willingness to meet the writer where they're at is something that has helped Emerson facilitate successful conferences for the past four years.
10. Building a Rapport
Something unique and exciting about the Coe College Writing Center is the possibility for a strong writer-consultant relationship to form. A lasting writer-consultant relationship can increase productivity because the two peers understand how to work with one another and overcome problems to reach the writer's goals.
As a consultant, I've enjoyed writers that come and see me more than once! I believe the opportunity to get to know someone and their learning style increases the productivity and effectiveness of conferences.
Thank you to all of the individuals who assisted me in brainstorming and allowed me to interview them!
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