The Bingo Trend

If you are anything like me, you are stuck on Zoom or Moodle.
You struggle to not procrastinate, as you watch Joe Exotic Tiktoks or do Snapchat Bingos.
 How exactly these bingos started and the trend caught on, is a mystery to me but they can be pretty fun even if they expose you sometimes.
Personality Bingo
Personality bingos are those that expose your traits such as “looks happy but is internally having an existential crisis”. There are many variations of these but the ones I have seen most often are the Introvert and the Extrovert bingos. 

Zodiac Bingo
Next we have zodiac bingos that describe the traits most commonly associated with a specific zodiac sign. I would imagine these have less of an appeal to people who do not believe in horoscopes or zodiacs. I subscribe to them so I would say the Sagittarius one is pretty spot on. It’s currently Aries season but Taurus is next so enjoy the Taurus bino I have attached. 

City/State Bingo 
Based on the people I follow on social media I have only seen Iowa, Illinois, and Chicago bingos. However, I am pretty sure you can find one about a random state like Wyoming, if you tried hard enough. 

Our Very Own CWC Bingo 

Ok so no I did not see a Coe Writing Center bingo on social media (unfortunately). So I decided to make my very own CWC bingo.
