Top 5 Best Places to Study at Coe

 Are you swamped with homework and exams? Maybe you have noisy roommates or loads of laundry to do, making it nearly impossible to stay focused in your room. Or maybe you just need a change of pace to get you through the rest of the semester. Whatever the circumstance, here are my Top 5 Places to Study at Coe. 

πŸ”Š: Very Quiet 

πŸ”ŠπŸ”Š: Relatively quiet, but tends to have some noise/distractions

πŸ”ŠπŸ”ŠπŸ”Š: Can be loud/Busy 

1. Library Basement: The Library Basement is a personal favorite of mine. I love the diversity of the space, as it has couches, chairs, computers, and longer group tables. It also has a few rooms that can be used for more private studying, as well as the maker studio for more creative projects. The basement also has a few rolling whiteboards, allowing studying to take place almost anywhere down there. The versatility of the basement of the library allows for individual and group studying for any project, class, or assignment. πŸ”ŠπŸ”Š

Just part of the collaborative space the basement of the library provides for Coe students!

2. Biology Lounge: This cozy little nook in Peterson Hall is often overlooked but one of my favorites. It is often relatively quiet and has tons of natural light. There are a few tables scattered throughout the space and some whiteboard to do work and studying on. One of my favorite characteristics of the space is how much natural light it has. With huge glass windows, it looks over the main road into campus and all the beautiful buildings and nature that line the road into campus. Additionally, it is very close to professors' offices, allowing for easy access to the help and resources needed for certain assignments and projects. πŸ”Š

The biology lounge looks over the beautiful, snow-covered entrance of campus!

3. Lounge Above the Weight Room in the ARC: While it seems odd, this space is one of the most productive places on campus for me to study. I find it so easy to focus in this lounge. There are large tables with super comfortable chairs. I also think that the music that runs in the weight room makes it more fun and easy to study. I love this space especially for note taking because sometimes I see friends or classmates, and I am able to pause what I am doing to chat for a few minutes without completely disrupting what I am doing. πŸ”ŠπŸ”ŠπŸ”Š

The lounge above the gym in the ARC makes a great space for knocking out those time consuming notes! 

4. CHS Lounge: This spacious and bright environment makes studying so easy here. I love the variety of space and height to do work at. From high tables, to the long couch, to lower and bigger tables, this space has something for everyone. It is also equipped with plenty of whiteboards for all the studying you could ever do. One of the great things about this space, similar to the bio lounge, is its close proximity to professors' offices. This makes it super easy to get help with certain topics and problems. πŸ”ŠπŸ”Š

The CHS Lounge connecting Cherry Auditorium to Peterson Hall allows easy access for students to their professors! 

5. Library Study Rooms/Private Cubicles: Lastly, the private study rooms and cubicles in the library are a great place when you really need to lock in and finish work with little to no distractions. The study rooms on the main floor have floor to ceiling whiteboard walls on both sides, leaving plenty of room for studying and creativity. The private cubicles on the fourth floor all face a window looking over campus. These are great for individual work in the quietest spaces in the library. πŸ”Š

Three Coe College Freshman using a private room on the third floor of the library for group studying!

No matter what you are working on, what your major is, or how much time you have, these spaces are amazing. Each of them has its own unique quirk that makes it slightly different from any other place. These spots to study are among the best places on campus. I find them all to be very productive and often productive in different ways depending on what I need to do that day. 
