The Maasverse: Review of Sarah J. Maas's Most Popular Series

I'm betting you have all heard of Throne of Glass, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Crescent City. For those of you that have read all of them, I'm sorry for all of emotional trauma those books gave you, I was also scarred. This may sound scary but I promise these books are actually really good, it is just super easy to get really emotionally invested in them and Sarah (for some unknowable reason) just loves to throw in heart-breaking plot twists. I have read all three of these series about 8 or 9 times and I will continue to do so because I just love these books. Sarah is known for her strong female heroes and dynamic character relationships so get ready to absolutely fall in love with each world she creates.

Throne of Glass (TOG) is quite possibly the best book series I have ever read. It follows the Celaena Sardothien, Adarlan's Assassin, as she goes from a slave in the salt mines of Endovier to King's Champion, to fugitive, and so much more. This book is full of magic, fae, romance, heartbreak, and everything in between.  Celaena is one of my favorite characters in all of Sarah's books because I just resonate so well with her.


A Court of Thorns and Roses, or ACOTAR as many people call it, is a story about a human girl, Feyre, who accidentally kills a fae in his animal form and then gets taken over the barrier separating the human and fae lands (Pyrinthian). She falls for the High Lord Tamlin and then has to go and save him and his whole court when they get taken under the mountain by Amarantha. This series is a bit slower to start than Throne of Glass but you will fall in love with the characters just as fast.


Crescent City (CC), the place where it all comes together. So I listed these three series in this order specifically because of the way things come together in CC. You don't have to read them like this, I just recommend it. CC follows Bryce and Hunt as they uncover heaps of crime, corruption, and overall heart stopping truths about the planet of Midguard. They and their friends almost die several times trying to save the city and everyone in it only to find out that the truth is so much bigger than they thought. For those of you who love witty and snarky humor, Bryce is the girl for you. She is hilarious in all aspects and will say the best jokes at the worst times.


I wanted to share my love and knowledge about this bookverse and I hope you guys love reading it just as much as I do!
