The Art Wall: Creativity in the Writing Center


    Not every day in the CWC is busy with conferences or work. In fact, consultants are often faced with a lot of free time in their shifts. Some consultants may choose to do homework, have fun conversations about obscure topics, or take care of the plants around the Writing Center. Sometimes, however, inspiration will strike during a boring shift, and consultants will create some amazing and hilarious pieces of art. A lot of the artwork is posted around the walls of the Writing Center, especially around the beaver desk and on the CWC Art Wall.

    The CWC Art Wall is actually a new addition the the Writing Center that was established sometime during the Fall Semester. Supposedly, many consultants were leaving a lot of art and doodles lying around on the tables or on the plexiglass on the beaver desk, so someone created a space for them. The Art Wall is currently situated on the thin strip of wall next the the whiteboard in the back of the room and has thirteen drawings posted. However, not every drawing in the CWC is on the Art Wall; they're pretty much everywhere!


    These few works are posted right by the beaver desk! They include General Mow (far left), a terrifyingly buff Among Us character (center), the infamous Snorse (bottom right), along with a few others. This wall has some very detailed drawings, and I am definitely not scared of General Mow and his absurdly long neck. Nope. Not at all.

    Over by the big white board near the tea, we have a colorful, screaming cat next to an abstract pattern and a rainbow Psychological Warfare sign. This is perhaps one of my favorite little art sections in the Writing Center. They're full of very vivid colors that add some fun juxtaposition to its content.


    Not all of the art scattered around the CWC is drawn. There are actually quite a few origami creatures hiding about like this swan hiding amongst the plants. On the round tables, there is usually small origami paper that anyone can use, and there are dozens more swans hiding in the CWC.

    This wanted sign is posted on the bulletin board right as you come into the CWC. This is another one of my all-time favorites, especially the little, yarn bee tacked to the board. This one also goes to show that art can interact with each other, as seen by the drawing of the eye that says, "Now I have" in response to "Have you seen this man?" 

    There is a lot of creativity within the Writing Center, whether it be official art hung up from past consultants or little doodles current ones add to the Art Wall. I feel like the art also makes our CWC feel a little more homey and welcoming compared to the blank, white walls of most academic classrooms. The various sketches or other art works bring a bit of light-heartedness to the room that can make our client laugh and ease their nervousness. It's very important that we make our Writing Center as comfortable and welcoming as possible, and I think art is just another part of it!
