The Inner Thoughts of Writer's Block

     What should I write about.....

    This question has been in my head and there is no answer. Why, because I have caught the wort thing any writer could ever get. An illness that could kill my brain and keep me for ever being able to put words on paper ever again. I have Writers Block!


    Okay I need to write something. Anything! It can be anything that seems creative and interesting. Something to catch the eye of my fellow writers at my job. I have to be able to show them that I can come back and still be the same person I was before. But, I'm not. I have change since the last time they saw me. This will be the first creative writing assignment that I do. I have changed and become a better version of myself. So do I show them that or do I keep hiding behind the mask I created and worn for years? All I know is that I have to write something......


It has been a couple of days and still i have nothing. My assignment is due Friday and there are no words coming into my mind. It is time to focus. The time is now 7 o'clock and I'm going to start writing

(3 hours of procrastination later)

Well I got a lot done tonight. Did some math and physics notes. I believe I should get a good night's sleep.

Thursday Morning

    Its 7 am and I nothing. I waited until the last minute again to do anything. What is wrong with me! I could write a paper in 2 hours or less and get a B or better. Yet it's taking me days to write a simple blog post. I was given some idea on what to write about, but I was not feeling it. If I am going to write something, I want to tell as story and make it have meaning. I want to tell a story and give people something to think about. I don't want to be stuck writing about lamps and plants. I feel like a fish. But not just any fish, the one from the Childers's book. Basically the story goes that there is a fish with these shinny scales and throughout the story he gives them away one by one until he is no longer special. Have I run out of ideas just like the fish ran out of scales. Have I as a writing consultant in the Writing Center given too many conferences to the point that I no longer have ideas for myself? Is that even possible? I guess there is only one place to go to answer this question, the Writing Center. If that fails then I will just write about plants.....
       The story continues after going to the writing center. I realized that maybe I haven't lost it all. The fish still had one scale left at the end of its story why can't I have one more idea.
