Write For Yourself

5 Reasons I Write For Myself

As writing consultants we are of course used to writing because of our jobs at the CWC here at Coe. In addition, most of us are also college students who are writing for multiple classes. However, even though I find myself writing everyday, I have noticed that I hardly have time to write for myself. By the time I have finished my assignments I almost never find the desire to write something solely for myself. 

Writing For Yourself, How is it Different?

Well, firstly, when I am writing for myself nothing about this process is stressful. I don’t have to keep in mind the audience, there is no grade that will be assigned, and there is no responsibility of needing to provide a fellow writer with good assistance, it’s just something for myself only. Writing is very important to me, it is something I love to do but it is also something I find to be a crucial part of myself. So, why should you write for yourself? 

1) Writing Reduces Stress.

Especially during the time of COVID where we find ourselves restricted from social contact, I know that my stress levels have been extra high because of these circumstances in addition to being a college student. Writing has always been my way to relieve stress if only to escape from the real world into the recesses of my mind and imagination or to bring my fears and anxieties out from the recesses of my mind into the real world to confront them and often realize they aren’t nearly as scary or as big as a deal as they had seemed in my head. I find that writing down things like this by hand are much more effective than simply typing them down in notes or the like. Maybe the reason for this is that it seems more tangible and real, not something out of my grasp. Something I like to do when I am feeling extremely stressed out is to write every fear and/or stressor on a little slip of paper and then I burn them. No one but me ever reads them and they are destroyed. Of course while at Coe this perhaps isn’t something easily done so please, don’t try anything dangerous.

2)Writing Gives an Me Escape

I think all of us can admit we have at least one time in our lives wished we were someone else or somewhere else. I find my life dreadfully boring sometimes or wish I had some talent, power or trait that I don’t. Writing is a way that allows me to channel these wishes by creating characters and worlds different to the ones that exist in my own life. I guess that I live vicariously through my characters by giving them the stories and adventures I would love to have in my own life .

3) I Feel a Sense of Obligation to Write.

This may sound silly but, seriously, there are so many characters in my head that are begging me to tell their story. New ideas pop into my head all of the time, a plot line, a new world, a conversation, a relationship etc. I feel that it would be a dreadful waste if I didn’t at least write them down to come back to later. 

4) My Head Would Probably Explode if I Didn’t

Okay, this might be an exaggeration but really I have so many ideas and thoughts in my head that I need some way to empty them and writing so happens to be that outlet. For some people, you may find that writing is a way to release a burden you have been carrying or emotions you don’t want to share with anyone.  

5) I Am a Writer

Writing has become part of my identity. Everyone in my family knows I am a writer, as do my friends. They ask me, “what have you been writing lately?” as often as they ask “How have you been, what’s new?” I don’t really need a better reason to write for myself other than the fact that I am a writer and I want to write.

So there, that’s five reasons why I write for myself. Why do you write?

NB: this blog post was created by Andrea Glandt.
