Spooky Coe Stories Pt.1: Devil in Disguise? (NOT clickbait!)

Is Coe a hot-spot for supernatural activity? Many students would say yes (hence this series I am creating). Now we’ve all heard of Helen’s paranormal tricks in VoHo* (check out the link below!), but I am here to tell you of my own, personal, haunted, unexplainable experience…

It started as a normal Friday night at Coe, even down to the faint smell of Crunchberries lingering in the air. My best friend and I were visiting a fellow Writing Centaur (the wonderful Miss Ally Roeker) in her VoHo dorm room. After a fun night of tik-toks and chatting, my best friend and I bid Ally farewell to make the venture back to Murray Hall.

As soon as we set foot out the door at about 2 in the morning, we felt the chill of the night air mixed with the chill of fear that comes with walking through an empty campus in the night. Only we soon realized the campus was not empty.

At the bottom of the library stairs was a tall man(?) in a long, red trench coat standing perfectly still as he faced directly ahead… ominously. Pictured below is an graphic interpretation featuring my fake-photoshop and cracked laptop screen:

Since the library is in between VoHo and Murray, our paths were bound to cross. We clung to the outer edge of the sidewalk, but, with a quick snap of his neck towards us, it was obvious we had disrupted his tranquility. After one beat of stillness, he began to take quick strides towards us. Immediately we sprinted past and did not look back until safe inside Murray. We took a peek through the glass to see only the empty Coe courtyard.

We have come to the conclusion that we saw Satan himself that night and escaped his plans. What do you think? Did we escape the devil’s clutches? A different supernatural being? Or interrupt a man’s nightly stroll? The answer will remain unknown, but the spookiness remains.

*Here is a link to learn more about the ghost of Helen! https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/archive/time-machine/does-ghost-of-coe-freshman-helen-esther-roberts-who-died-in-1918-flu-epidemic-haunt-voorhees-hall-20191015&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1612565345407000&usg=AOvVaw35g_xULWmfA2KmSz2Wg6wo
