Writing Center Recommendations-Winter 2020

What are the consultants into when not scribbling answers to questions on the whiteboard and giving conferences? From books, music, movies, and TV, plus a few miscellaneous recommendations thrown in, take a look at media our Writing Center consultants are into as of late.


You Cannot Be Serious by John McEnroe
The Sea-Wolf by Jack London ("really interesting philosophical discussion [here]," notes Lila Dabill '22)
I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
Candide by Voltaire
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong ("superbly written literary fiction," shares Luke Reynolds '22; read more of his thoughts here)


On Little Women: "Obviously [I would include it]," notes Reynolds (more thoughts here)

On The Little Prince: "It made me cry so much in really good ways! Definitely watch if you're feeling disconnected from your child-self, or if you just need to warm feel-goods in general," shares Emma Hodges '22


Listen to the playlist here.


A poster from 2018's season of Hell's Kitchen.
A poster from Supernatural.

On Snow White with the Red Hair: "I adore the protagonist and the communicative and sweet romance at its core," Reynolds says.


"[I recommend] musicals in general," Jordan Oaks '23 says.

"[The] Myths and Legends podcast is really cool if you like learning about different myths from various eras and cultures," shares Dabill.

"Radiolab is an awesome podcast, and Hamilton and Wicked are amazing musicals," says Zoe Bakken-Heck '20.

Paige Waskow '22 recommends Dear Hank & John.

Reynolds recommends America's Next Top Best Friend.
